Inner Harmony: Balancing Yin and Yang Energy

The natural world is constantly in transition. Shifting and changing with the length of the days, the availability of the sun’s energy to be harnessed for growth, the moon’s energy to be harnessed for rest. The seasonal shifts of the year affect us on a cellular level. No matter how much infrastructure is around us: artificial lighting, enclosures in buildings, and manufactured landscapes; we, as humans, are connected to nature and the seasonal rhythms and shifts.

The more we accept that we inherently ARE nature, the more we stop fighting the natural rhythms of the seasons, the more we can tune into and connect with nature…the more ease we will feel within. Our bodies, minds and souls have an innate wisdom, and thrive when we allow for this wisdom to become in sync with nature, and we allow this inner wisdom to guide us.

Yang is the energy of the sun, heat, light, fire, activity, and DO-ing. Yin is the energy of the moon, coolness, dark, water, rest, and BE-ing. We need both of the energies in our lives, and when we can balance the two energies, we are able to live in harmony.

Seasonally, in the northern hemisphere, in August we are sitting at the highest point of YANG energy. The sun is high, the days are long and warm, many of us are outside DO-ing. For some of us it might feel like we want to take advantage of the longer warmer days, before summer is done! It is especially important at this time to check in with your body and mind to pay attention to how you are feeling. 

Are you feeling stressed? Take a pause, give yourself some time to rest. Perhaps spending some moments slowing your breath down and connecting with the earth.

Is your body tired? If so, then make sure you take time to recover. 

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Is there a way you can simplify your list of tasks for the day, the week, the month? Ask for support or delegate some tasks. Perhaps some things can be moved from your current to-do-list to a future one.

In order to balance the Yang energy, you will want to bring in some Yin support. Here are some simple ways to think about this. As discussed above, Yang is the energy of the sun, heat, light, fire, activity, and DO-ing. So, in order to balance this out you can incorporate anything that represents the Yin type of energy: moon, coolness, dark, water, rest, and BE-ing.

Here are some examples:

  • Spending time near or in the water.

  • Ensuring you get enough sleep/rest

  • Incorporating quiet, reflective and inner work practices

  • Practicing mindfulness, meditation, journaling, qigong

  • Spending time in nature

  • Pausing throughout your day to slow and deepen your breath

  • Eating “cooling” foods (here is a great article on this: The Yin and Yang of Food

As we move through each season, nature will dictate for us what balance of yin and yang energies we are exposed to. The more we can become in sync with nature, and in tune with our bodies, the more we can live in harmony. 

Trust that you have the inner wisdom. It is a matter of getting more in touch with your body, your mind and your soul, and learning to listen to the messages it is giving you. Living in harmony, means shifting out of the stressed state of being. It means being able to live life with more ease, balance, joy and fulfillment.

I can guide you to this place of harmony, of being able to listen to your inner wisdom and TRUST this to guide you in your life.  Are you feeling out of balance? Would you like some guidance and support to achieve a life with more ease, balance, joy and fulfillment? Book in for your free Clarity Call today.


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