New Moon Ritual - Creating

The new moon is the perfect time of the month to create a little bit more of what you want in life. Here is a new moon ritual that I use to get clear on my goals, about what I want to draw into my life, how this would make me feel, and some actual steps on how to get there. This is something you can do every new moon as a monthly check in on yourself and your goals, or as you feel it calls to you.

What is really important to remember when doing any type of ritual is to give yourself the time and space to do this with intention. If you have a sacred space already created, then this is a great practice to use in this space. If not, then find a space where you can be alone, and some time to do this where you won’t feel rushed.

1) Breathe - Spend a few moments getting grounded by taking a few slow deep and full breaths, paying attention to your root (your feet or the base of your spine) as you do so. Perhaps even closing your eyes to bring your attention inward.

2) Goals - Write down 3-5 goals or intentions you have; things you would like to create or draw into your life. Make these goals to be ones that you strongly believe are attainable. Your goals can be anything you desire! Experiences, material things, feelings, or bigger pictures goals you want. If you aren’t clear on what goals you might have, spend a few moments reflecting on your last week or month. Identify moments within that time period that you felt really good. Then, by focusing on that, think about how you could achieve more of those moments in your life. Perhaps these would be good goals to get started on.

3) Visualize - Close your eyes and, one by one, visualize yourself actually achieving each goal. As you visualize, notice how it feels to have achieved each goal. Then write down next to each goal what it will feel like when you have accomplished that one.

4) Affirmations - Write down a clear affirmation for each goal you have. For example, if your goal is to be calm, perhaps you would say “I am calm”, and follow it up with “and it makes me feel….”. If your goal is to take a vacation, perhaps you would say “I am taking a week off and travelling to…” and “It makes me feel relaxed and free”.

5) Plan - For each of your goals, spend some time writing down how it is that you plan on achieving that goal. Think about a few steps that you would take to get yourself to succeed or get closer to achieving your goals and write those out.

6) Manifest - Give yourself several minutes to sit and meditate on your intentions, your goals, and how they will make you feel upon realizing your dreams. Visualize yourself achieving each of these goals, focus in on your body and allow yourself to feel like you have achieved each of these goals. Send gratitude out to the new moon, to yourself for taking the time to engage in this beautiful ritual, and to the Universe.

7) Let it go - Once you have completed this ritual, you have planted the seeds, set the intention, and affirmed that you truly believe you will achieve these goals, then let go of expectation. You have sent out your intentions and your beliefs out to the Universe, and now it is time to allow the magic to happen!

Feel free to go back to your affirmations and sit and meditate with them as often as you like. The more you are able to believe you are capable of achieving your goals, to visualize yourself accomplishing them, and really embodying what that will feel like, the more success you will have.

Blessings to you on this beautiful new moon and the expansion of your soul evolution!


Reflecting With Compassion