Just like the Wheels of a Car... Align, Re-align, Re-balance

I believe that the KEY to living a life of calm, balance, fulfillment and joy is to be in Alignment. I also believe that each of us has the ability to keep making choices to get closer to Living in Alignment. That each of us is capable of getting to this place, no matter where you are, and what circumstance you are in. Yet what does this actually mean? What can you do to make choices to move the dial towards living with more ease?

Alignment Defined (Brittanica Dictionary): - “to arrange things so that they form a line or are in proper position

When it comes to US… as humans… Alignment can be defined as “when the body, mind, heart and soul are in perfect balance.”

Let’s think about this in terms of the wheels of a car. When the wheels of a car are NOT all moving in the same direction, they are out of alignment … and the ride can be quite challenging. You need to keep adjusting the steering as the vehicle is being pulled in different directions.

YET… when you re-align the wheels, so they are all moving in the same direction, you have a smooth and gentle ride.

The same goes for you. Let’s imagine each of the wheels represents each of the components that make us up as humans: Body, Mind, Heart, Soul. When your body is telling you one thing, and your mind is telling you something else, you feel the inner struggle. You are constantly needing to shift the steering wheel and manage the mis-alignment. Which means… life is challenging.

So… just like a wheels of a car need to be re-aligned and re-balanced… so do we. It means you need to STOP the car… PAUSE… take a look at each of the components and determine where the mis-alignment is.

It is here that you have the choice:
You can CHOOSE to learn to listen to your inner wisdom
You can CHOOSE to understand your core values and beliefs
You can CHOOSE to become more in tune with what feels RIGHT to you
You can CHOOSE to being to make decisions that are more in alignment with these.

So… how do we get there?

Step 1: Learn to TUNE into Your Inner Wisdom
Step 2: Learn to TRUST what your inner voice is telling you
Step 3: Believing that a life of ease, confidence, purpose and contentment is POSSIBLE for you, ACHIEVABLE for you, and that you are WORTHY of it
Step 4: Choosing to take aligned ACTION with intention in your day to day life.

Most of us find moving through all of these steps to be a challenge at some stage in our lives. I would like you to look at these steps and determine WHERE you might feel like you are stuck. As yourself these questions, and answer honestly!

  1. Are you able to tune inward and hear what your inner voice has to say?

  2. Do you TRUST the inner wisdom that comes up for you?

  3. Do you BELIEVE that a life of alignment is not only POSSIBLE for you, but that you are also WORTHY of a life where you are calm, clear, confident… where you feel purposeful, joyful and content?

  4. Do you feel like you have CHOICE? Are you consistently set aligned intentions for yourself?

As I discussed in this this blog post, it is not always a simple path as we do have to consider many factors. Yet, I KNOW that by learning and implementing these 4 Steps you WILL be able to shift your life OUT OF the inner turmoil… out of the struggle… you will stop fighting the steering wheel. You WILL be able to shift INTO a calmer, more easeful way of living. You will find more clarity, balance and purpose. Your ride will be smoother and more joyful!

You get to CHOOSE.

When you DECIDE that you are DONE with the inner turmoil and indecision and you want to MOVE into trust, belief, inner peace and harmony… lean into the support you NEED to get there. I have created the Align Your Life with Ease Immersion specifically to guide you there.

This Immersion is 10 days of training, guidance, and support plus Bonus coaching and healing, which you get to keep for LIFE. This Immersion will be profound in shifting you into a Living in Alignment… with Ease. Jump on the link HERE for all the details and to join us. We start October 2nd, 2023!


Sacred Prana was born out of a personal journey toward health and well being.