What is FEELS like to Live in Alignment

When you find yourself struggling with indecision, feeling stuck, or lacking a sense of purpose… you are living out of alignment. In some way, you are disconnected from yourself… your core values… your deepest desires. Or, perhaps, you feel like you don’t have a choice in making decisions that are in alignment with you.

Here’s the thing…. we have ALL felt this at some stage in our lives. It is very likely that at that time, you were not able to listen to or trust your own inner wisdom. Perhaps you did not know how. Perhaps the external influences in your life were louder or more insistent than your own. Perhaps you didn ot feel like you had a choice.

I want you to know that you DO have choice. You can choose to learn to listen to your inner wisdom, understand your core values and beliefs, become more in tune with what feels RIGHT for you, and begin to make decisions that are more in alignment with these.

So, what does it FEEL like when you are able to Live in Alignment?

When you can truly learn to connect inward, to listen to your inner wisdom, understand your values, belief systems and what feels GOOD to you… and choose… Every. Single. Day…. to allow for that to be your guide… life becomes so much easier.

  • You feel clarity, as you are no longer confused as to what is right for you.

  • You feel more purposeful, as you are connected to your values and meaningful action.

  • You feel inner peace, as you are no longer in inner turmoil.

  • You feel content, as you are in harmony with your goals and passions.

  • You feel confident, as you no longer question yourself.

And… when you are able to align your intentions with how you want to FEEL, the process becomes so much easier.

Let’s talk about the deeper nuances to the concept of Living in Alignment.

1) Since none of us live in a bubble… there are other factors, responsibilities and realities in your life that need to be considered. You will need to find a balance, between your values and the other factors in your life, so that you can adapt. Yet, when you choose to live in alignment, it becomes easier to set and pursue meaningful goals, make decisions, and prioritize what truly matters.

2) You are an evolving being. Choosing to live in alignment means you are choosing to live intentionally and purposefully in alignment with your core values, belief systems and aspriations. This is not a once and done scenario. This is an ongoing process of commitment, adaptation and adjustment.

3) Also, many of us struggle with hearing our inner wisdom, trusting our inner voice, and believing that we are worthy enough to choose what is important to us. This is where you need to start. For when you can get these pieces in place, you are able to live your life with more ease, joy, peace and fulfillment.

How does one move toward Living in Alignment?

I want to support you on learning to tune into your inner wisdom, understand your core values, trust your inner voice, and intentionally choose to align your life with what feels good to you.

Join me in the Align Your Life with Ease Masterclass (it’s FREE!). We will dive into all of these topics and move you in the direction of living your life in alignment. September 12th @noon MDT; 10am EDT (a LIVE online masterclass you can join in from anywhere. Click HERE for all of the details.

You deserve to live your life with more ease… with more joy… with more purpose and fulfillment.

How would living in alignment look to you? Would you make decisions differently if you were in deeper connection with yourself, your values and your passions? How would this FEEL for you?


Just like the Wheels of a Car... Align, Re-align, Re-balance