From Anxious to Calm - Finding the Eye of the Storm

Chaos, uncertainty, and change is inevitable. Attempting to control the external factors can cause one to draw in the external chaos and leads to anxiety and overwhelm. So, how do we avoid this? How do we find inner harmony and balance?

First! Stop trying to control the things you cannot. Acknowledge and accept that you cannot control anything outside of you. Whaaat? I cannot control other people, time, the environment or or or…? I know for me this is an ongoing practice in and of itself. Yet when you think about it, can you see how this is true? Letting go of the expectation that you can (control external factors), is the first real step to finding inner harmony and peace.

Harmony comes when you are able to find internal calmness even when things around you, i.e., the external world, may seem chaotic. Finding the eye of the storm. For in the eye of the storm is silence, peacefulness, quiet.

To be in the eye of the storm, in the stillness and calmness within, it takes effort! It takes practice. It takes having the tools and carving out the space and time for you to work with the tools. Let’s take a look inward, and focus on what we can control: our breath, our mind, our perspective, our response.

It can be as simple as integrating even a few minutes a few times throughout your day to calm your mind, to ground and centre yourself, so that you are not affected by external energies that don’t align with yours.

Here are a few things you can do to shift anxiety into calm - to find the eye of the storm.

1) Tools: I often use the practice of placing my feet on the ground, becoming aware of my breath, consciously slowing and feeling the breath. Using the inhale to draw in a calming, healing energy, deep into my belly. Using the exhale to relax each part of the body, one at a time. Find the tools that work for you!

2) Time: I allot a few extra minutes between tasks over the day. This way I will be able to give myself those few minutes I need to calm, centre and ground myself a few times over the day. And if something runs over, then I’m not feeling rushed.

3) Space: This can be done anywhere! If needed even taking an extra couple of minutes in the bathroom, or in the shower (or in the pantry!), centre, ground, breathe.

4) Practice! The more you practice this, the less time it actually takes to get yourself from a place of stress to a place of calm. Give yourself lots of time to practice in a quiet space alone for the first few times you practice this. Then you will find it easier to incorporate in your day, as your body knows what it feels like when you do this, and it will reach the state of calm and ease more quickly.

Prioritize yourself in little ways each day, perhaps you will surprise yourself with how much better you feel overall!

What do you do to find the eye of the storm? To allow for your mind to be calm and clear, even if there is chaos around?


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