How to Flow into Spring

Moving through the month of March, we are shifting from winter to spring energy (for those of us in the northern hemisphere!). As the days get longer, the sun is brighter and higher in the sky, the snow is melting, and the world seems lighter and brighter! Spring is a time for transformation - getting rid of the "old" to make way for the "new". Let's flow from one season to the next with ease by supporting our body, mind and spirit during this energetic shift.

As the snow melts I like to envision that this is the time of the Earth itself coming out of dormancy, releasing what is no longer needed, making way for new growth, revealing new opportunities and opening up possibilities. During this transition, it is the perfect time to also work with these inward to support our own release, growth, opportunity and evolution. Here are 5 steps you can use to work with this transformational energy.

1) Awareness: As the snow melts away, this is the perfect time to release what is not longer supporting you in your growth and evolution. Think about what might be holding you back - limiting beliefs? External expectations? Are there people in your life who you feel might be limiting your growth? List these out so you are clear on them.

2) Release: Once you have a good idea of all of the things that are not serving you any more, look at the list and consider how you might release them. You may want to journal and do a burn to release. You may want to use grounding and clearing exercises such as breathwork, meditation, visualization, or smudging. Perhaps you might want to think about how to define and communicate your boundaries more clearly with people in your life. This can be tricky! Reach out for support with this: setting boundaries, energy balancing work, breathwork, guided meditations to release attachments, or mindset work to release limiting beliefs.

3) Physically Clear and Cleanse your Space: Get rid of the clutter! Look around your home or workspace, and notice what items aren’t used or needed anymore. Purge items you don't need, and give them to someone else who does. Clean areas of your home that don't get much traffic. Literally, clear out the cobwebs and remove the dust! Open the windows and let the spring air move out the stagnant energy.

4) Renewal: Pay attention to your eating habits, focus on foods that are "clean" and "green". Support your liver, which is working on cleansing out toxins and rebuilding your body from the inside. Set the stage for your body and mind to be clear so that you are supporting yourself and getting ready for your own growth and evolution.

5) Connect with the Earth: Physically connect with the Earth. Spend time outside in nature, get your hands dirty and be barefoot on the ground. Breathe deeply, feel, see, touch, smell and listen to the beauty of nature around you. Pay attention to new growth and imagine yourself being given this chance for renewal, regeneration and rebirth.

Seasonal changes are a really great time to revisit and check in with yourself. Perhaps ask yourself these questions:

How are you feeling (physically, mentally, emotionally)? Where are you at right now? Where would you like to be? What is working for you? What isn’t working for you? What could you do better? How can you support yourself?

This is the time for you to shine. Dig deep to really assess what is serving you well, and what isn’t. Clear out the clutter. Set the stage for regeneration, renewal and growth. Reach out to get the support you need and desire.

This is what I do with women like you. Support you where you are at and along your journey. Assist you on getting clear on who you really are and what lights you up. Guide you to carve out the space and time for you to ground, centre and balance. Give you the tools you need to grow and evolve. Set and hold the space for you to flourish into the joyous, fulfilled, beautiful and magical YOU!

Reach out for a free consult to get clarity on how you can shine in your best light!

Much love,



Finding Your Inner Voice